Saturday, July 30, 2016

Untitled: mood hopeful and joyful and a little bit hungover

This little spot is the earth where our feet dance and tread and stir the mud and the sky is so blue that we cannot dream of any other thing in its place and our hearts are so pure and young and beating to their very last in this dome of starlight and lovely birdsong a sweet sweet garden of things to taste and try and a sweet sweet life of pain in paradise hold onto me my dear holding on to you hold out your hands I'll be with you soon oh don't swoon oh don't start we'll never stop I promise my promises were never worth very much anyway just a thing to say to the wind to the wind who is my god my goddess my lovely lovely shrine is built in my heart I have no hearth but if I did I'd welcome you to it and I'd sit down by the fire and look at it dance in your eyes nothing has ever been sweeter to me than the breath of another the breath of a lover the breath that stirs like a gentle wind in the garden oh let us go and walk together, let us go and talk together let us go and be and be still and be unending patterns of things it doesn't matter who you are and who I am we are just masks the universe wears because the universe is very clever and loves to play games with itself because it is very lonely to be everything and to be the play of light on darkness and the play of darkness along the borders of light and it is very lonely to sing a song alone in the emptiness so she put her mind to work and she made us all out of herself inside herself and here we are wondering at the big open spaces and we do the same thing and I love you because I love me and because you and I are she who made us he who made us it doesn't matter its just a mask that matter wears for a while we're spinning little tornados of energy and isn't that lovely like the bath water draining out of the tub and oh my dear don't hold your breath for so long just take the plunge take the chance take the risk the dancing is fine and the water is warm and the beat in our hearts lasts only so long so strike up the band and sing us a song your voice is beautiful but more than that I will always love your eyes sing hallelujah to them and sing the mountains down from their lofty seats and sing the clouds up into the sky and sing of your eyes I will weave a dense web of words to capture their energy draw them, paint them, shine them bind them hold them, oh my darling oh my dear my danger my heart my heat my light my love my life upwards shoots let us float on up into the air, let us stop the pain for now let us be merry let us sing how beautiful the plains and the forests and the mountains and the oceans and the jungles and the deserts and the canyons and all the beasts that crawl upon them and swim in them and fly over them and you and I are beasts too, and we are also beautiful and this night will never end and this day will never end and we can hold on to each other forever and never ever need to part ways, but let us dance in the dark under the stars one last time, one last slow dance together breath to breath eye to eye heart to heart thigh to thigh and let us become one again when we die.

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