Tuesday, December 6, 2016

I love you all, my darlings, my little glimmers, you were all so beautiful and happy once, and sadness came and washed over you. Then that record spun, didn't it? Oh didn't that voice sing then? Didn't you hear something inside of you then? What's the opposite of hearing a bone break? What is the sound of something mending? Only you didn't know anything was broken. What's the sound? What's that sound? I know that sound. It's my mother's voice calling me to breakfast, it's my father singing me to sleep, it's the feeling of hair being brushed from my closed eyes, it's the breath of my lover on my face as she sleeps face to face with me, I know that sound, I know that voice, I've seen those eyes, I've walked this floor, I know this road, I know this wind, those flowers, the wash hanging on a line, the trees rocketing out of the ground, the green grass, oh my god I'm so in love with you. I'm so in love with you.



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