Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Quiet Morning

I sit in the quiet of the morning,
And the breeze rustles
Through the undergrowth.
I sit in the quiet of the morning,
And I hear the tinkling of glass and ice.

Of ice and glass,
and glass and ice,
and ice and glass.
I sit in the quiet of the morning.

You might say I'm standing in my stirrups,
Feeling the horse revolve beneath me,
Feeling the patrols move past me,
Slowly in the darkness, I sit.

A lone flag rustles in the darkened breeze,
And reflections of parked, dark windows
Sparkle in the early light.

They are lonely,
Lit against the stars,

Fighting against the cold,
Holding, close against the night,

Words flow forth,
Strung together,

By oxygen and carbon,
and all the molecules,

And I sit, I sit,
in quiet mourning,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

your the worst.

You are the worst human,
I'm certain that no one
ever wants to touch

Your genitals are the worst,
I'm getting sick, very sick,
just thinking about the idea,

Of them, I'm not sure,
If i can bide my time,
until your dead.

Then, I'll dance and sing,
and yell and scream
out loud, and joy shall,

Breath into my lungs,
Pump blood in my veins,
and set me down again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thoughts Bouncing Off Your Ceiling Fan

I let you pretend,
That it meant something,
When we fell asleep,
Lying side by side.

But really I was closed in,
If I woke you up,
On my way out,
We would have had to talk,

About it.

But if I let you pretend,
Then maybe in the morning,
We'll both be as ashamed as I am,
And neither of us will have to talk.

We'll both pretend,
Nothing happened,
And maybe we can forget,
That's what I'm hoping for.


I'm not going to listen.
I wish I had never come off as,
That guy who listens.

When we're talking,
I drift in and out.
Even when I'm talking.

Mostly, I have this to say.
I would be happier,
So Much happier,

If we didn't have to pretend,
Like we cared about each other.
That would be great.

But for now,
I'm going to finish my drink.
And leave you forever.

Fucking Feminists

She said she wasn't a feminist,
But that was her lie.

When I asked her,
As I pulled the chair out for her,

If she liked to be on top,
She replied of course,

Doesn't everybody?
And she sat down.

I told her yes,
But that was my lie,

Because sometimes,
Even during coitus,

People get lazy,
and lose sight of their goals.

Later she let me be on top,
And I hated her for it.