Wednesday, October 19, 2016

In Response To The Dating Profile Of A Woman

A challenge then. 
To prove one 
Against many. 
To prove equal 
Or more. A second 
Must prove itself 
Equal or more 
To the massed weight
Of many long days. 
One night must prove 
Worthy of days spent 
In pursuit, and flight. 
There are seconds 
And nights that find 
Themselves equal to days 
And years and lifetimes. 
Sweet stolen moments
From eternity that echo 
Forever with ecstasy. 

A second can 
A lifetime, and a lifetime 
Be reduced 
To a second, 
No less. 
A night can be reduced 
A series of seconds, 
Beautiful like pearls 
On a strand.
A hand pressed, 
A breath trapped 
On the edge of release, 
An eye held 
Within an eye, 
Legs and limbs 
And sweat and lips 
And tumbling seconds 
All of them, tumbling 
Moments like a strand 
Of pearls falling 

Through fingers after